
Silly Boys..

  What is it about my son that melts me like buttah (that's how 'Linda Richman' says it)???  Is it because he's my baby, or my only boy, possibly both?!?

  Seriously, though, Paul is the funniest little boy.  He comes and sits next to me and watches the news with me, then will put his cheek up to my mouth, and say "pup" - that's Romanian for kiss, pronounced like the word "poop" - yeah I know, the irony!!!  LOL!!  But anyway, like this evening he wanted a glass of water, ad he was standing in the doorway to the balcony. I fixed his cup, and told him to come get it.  He replies to me: "no, u come here".  Okay, I correct him, but it's ineffective since I'm trying very hard (and failing) to surpress my grin.

  He's cutest when it's just me and him, and his sisters aren't around.  His big sister, the middle child, will be sitting in my lap, and he will come in the room out of no where, and push her off, crawl in lap, and stay there, when Isabel leaves the room, he leaves my lap!    When I'm checking email, he'll crawl up in my lap, and smack his cheek against my face, so I can kiss it each time it makes contact with my mouth.  Sometimes when he's sitting nice and still, and gibbering about what he sees on the computer screen, which is generally emails or news sites, I'll kinda "bite" his earlobe.  Basically, I pull my lips over my teeth, then "bite" his earlobe - he thinks it's funny, and sometimes he'll point to his ear, and say "Mommy!"

  He has only in the last couple of days started telling me he loves me on his own!  Awwww!!!!  All my kids are very loving and affectionate.  But this "little" boy just, I don't know how to describe it, he cracks me up!

1 comment:

Solid Rock or Sinking Sand said...

I really enjoyed reading your blog. God bless, Lloyd