This is a picture of my youngest daughter's feet, as we took a boat ride around Lake Soara.
Yellow Lady Bugs, until now, I thought they were make believe!
My oldest child has such an angel face!!!
My hubby & son at the beach on the Black Sea.
They were making the same face @ the same time, only they didn't know they were both making the same face. Gives a whole new meaning to the term 'Priceless', don't ya think???
My Youngest daughter in what we call her "Papparrzi" photo:
she loves to sing & dance, and is the ultimate drama queen!
The Arc d'Triumph in Bucaresti, Romania
This was a sign on the "boardwalk" in Costonesti, Romania
see the small words in black? LOL!!!

My 3 little munchkins

Our Christmas '08 Family Portrait

Sunset on the Danube Delta
Reminds me of Gone With The Wind
So there they are my favorite photos so far, till I find more that I really love!
I've NEVER heard of yellow ladybugs! So cool!!
LOve the pics!!! Beautiful family!!! Love the yellow ladybug! Sunset sooo lovely! Thanks for sharing!
Aw, Laura, you're following Odessa?! I know her from high school, but she recently found me on facebook!! :) :)
Odessa, your page looks GREAT!!! Love your header pic & i see you figured out the font!! Looks great!
Thanks Mel. Yeah, took me a little while, but...I got it. Unfortunately I haven't figured out how to import those new fonts into all my PC programs...
Lots of gorgeous photos! I especially love the sunset, and the one of your son and hubby with the same look on their faces. Too cool that you caught that!
I didn't realize ladybugs were any color other than that red-orange color! Who knew.
What a sweet family! I love the feet picture! It's all good. Enjoy the day. So far away.
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